NMReDATA Initiative

Main information website of the NMReDATA Initiative

Direct link to the 1D spectra attributes page.

Direct link to the 2D spectra attributes page.

Possible object structure of NMReDATA.

Note for programmers about reading and writing NMReDATA SDF files.

Direct link to a list of example example of NMR records and NMReDATA files.

Important note on separators: In general we use “, “ (comma + space) as separator. The space after the “,” may become optional in future version. Please generate files in a manner that could not use it (replace “, “ with a variable in your code so that you can easily change to “,” (no space) and be ready to read or write files with and without the space).

Important note on comments: In all NMReDATA tags, everything following “;” can be ignored. This is used to add comments in the files.

Important note on tag names: To comply with the SDF format specification, tag names cannot contain hyphen (-), period (.), less than (<), greater than (>), equal sign (=), percent sign (%) or blank space ( ). Tag names must begin with an alpha character and can contain alpha and numeric characters after that, including underscore.

Definition of the NMReDATA tags

There is no prescribed order of the tags. For human readability, we recommend the order used here, but this is not required.

Header tags

We included in the header tags only the absolutely necessary information about the NMR dataset.


This tag is used to specify the “VERSION” of the file format. Current version : 1.1


Note the addition of the “\” before the end-of-line character. If is optional for tags with a single line, but mandatory to reparate lines (more details).


This tag is used to specify the level of complexity of the data. In most cases, level 0 (the standard) will be used when an assignment is complete. This tag will allow developers to avoid the difficulties of reading complex data (with level >0).

Level 0

When the data contain no ambiguities in the assignment, set to 0:

Level 1

When using list of signals including interchangeable assignments, set to 1 or 3. See “Interchangeable=” in the tag below ...

Level 2

When using ambiguously assigned signals in 2D spectra, set to 2 or 3 (see below).

Instead of using a single label in the assignment of signals,


this level allows to list the possible candidate labels to the signal.

For example,

(a, b)

Indicates that the assignment is ambiguous and corresponds to either a or b. Note that here we don’t require the space after the “,”.

Level 3

When using interchangeable and ambiguous assignment, set to 3 (=2+1).

<NMREDATA_ID> (Very important for reference)

This tag is optional but very much encouraged, in particular when data are stored as NMR record with a DOI. The following are defined by the NMReDATA format:

Doi= doi of the NMR record\
Record= URL pointing to the ziped file of the NMR record\
Path= pointer to the nmredata.sdf file relative to the root of the ziped NMR record\

Here is an working example:


When copied from database to database, multiple ID’s may be included. These will be defined by database manager and software producers. They could have the following form:

DB_ID= the code or number is assigned by the hosting database\
Title= Full analysis of whatever from methanol extract  \
Comment= Here more details could be given on the record.\
Comment1= Here more details could be given on the record.\
Comment2= Here more details could be given on the record.\
Comment3= Here more details could be given on the record.\
AUTHOR=Doe John, University of Tougalpa, Swinerland (optional)\
ORIGIN_ONE=2345627486 (could be about the sample name)\
ORIGIN_TWO=323212KKDKKS (could give a date or other reference)\
Title_L1=after sep. hplc (this could be extracted from the first line of the title in the 1H spectrum)\

One or more identifier can be given under “ID”. The ID will be generated by the software generating data and/or the database storing the data, etc. There may be more than one ID (for example one from the software generating it, one from the university labelling the origin of the data, one from the database, one from the publisher of the associated data, etc.) it is to the “generator” of the file to decide if/how to make it unique if desired. InChIKey/SMILES could be given if the soft generating the data is able to specify it. CAS-number if it already exists.

<NMREDATA_FORMULA> (optional but desired)

Here should come the chemical formula of the compound. (optional, but if possible, it should be included!)


<NMREDATA_SMILES> (optional but desired)

Here comes the isomeric smiles when the molecule contains explicit H. Otherwise canonical smile is OK. This will allow to generate text including all the NMReDATA into pure text (report, PhD, paper, etc.). This be further developed, but it should be included.


isomeric SMILES of glucose (when the .mol structure includes explicit hydrogen atoms)


canonical SMILES (when the hydrogen atoms are implicit)


<NMREDATA_ALATIS> (optional but desired)

Here should come the ALATIS code of the compound. (If possible, it should be included!)

More details about Alatis


The solvent is specified using this tag.


For mixture of solvents, the most abundant is first and they are separated by “/” followed by the ratio in % separated by “:”

CDCl3/DMSO 80:20
CDCl3/DMSO/D2O 80:10:10

By default, the numbers are percentages in volumes. This can be modified when other units are necessary as for describing buffers:

D2O/"sodium phosphate"/"sodium azide"/DSS 100:50:500:0.1 %:mM:uM:% Solvent:Buffer:Cytocide:Reference

In the case of RDC measurements, the medium used can be specified in the line following the name of the solvent.

<NMREDATA_PH> (optional)


The pH is imporant in metabolomics applications. We recommend including it when relevant.


When known, the concentration should be given. Only “mM” are allowed, but the unit is specified.


12.3 mM

<NMREDATA_TEMPERATURE> (optional but desired)

When available the temperature of the sample should be given (only K are allowed, but the unit is given)

298.0 K

Agregated data tags

Two properties can be “assigned”:

In most cases, only chemical shifts are assigned. Scalar couplings are usually not systematically measured and/or assigned, but when they are, the values measured in the spectra should be compiled in the

tag #### \<NMREDATA_ASSIGNMENT\> (previously named \<NMREDATA_SIGNALS\>) This tag makes the link between the labels (used in the description of the spectra (see below) to the atoms of the molecules. This tag also provides the chemical shift. (If the chemical shift is not known, use 777.777). Note that the chemical shifts are sometimes redundant (since they are also given in the description of the 1D spectra). But in the later, the chemical shift may not be clearly defined (as for example in a multiplet defined using a chemical shift range). In the NMREDATA_ASSIGNMENT tag, the chemical shift is clearly defined (as a scalar, it cannot be a range of chemical shifts as in description of 1D spectra). In liquid-state NMR, some signals are degenerate. This means that multiple atoms can contribute to the same signal. For example, all protons of a methyl group. We will have a “label” to the atom (or the group of atoms) having a common chemical shift because of symmetry (not by accident). In principle the labels could be included in the .mol file part (this is part of the definition of .mol files), but this may cause compatibility problems. For example, Chemdraw does not recognize the atom types well when they have been given a name and marks them as red (as if the atoms were unknown causing hybridization problems). Because of this problem, we will NOT use the labels of the “.mol” file, but list them in a specific RD tag called (previously named ). For each signal, we first give the label of the signal. Chemical shifts follow the label. Finally, we list the atom(s) it refers to in the structure file. For the signals, the atom numbers start with 1 and go through all the atoms in the molfile. NMR signals always have a chemical shift associated to it. Not all atoms of the molecules will be listed in the tag, for example if they were not assigned or have no NMR signal (like O, N, or other isotopes for which the spectra were not recorded). Example, for HO-CH2-CH3, with protons labelled a, b and c, and carbons A and B, (names could be different, I don’t mean that labels have to be called using letters for protons, and numbers for carbons - this is just an example) the tag would be: ```` >  ; ethanol with explicit hydrogen atoms A, 48.301, 1 ;A corresponds to the carbon of CH2\ B, 20.322, 2 ;B corresponds to the carbon of CH3\ a, 2.610, 3 ;a corresponds to the hydrogen atom of the OH\ b, 4.802, 4, 5; b corresponds to the hydrogen atoms of the CH2\ c, 1.401, 6, 7, 8\ Ex, 3.6, 9\ ```` We recommend to use the special label "Ex" to designate all the H of the OH, NH, etc. that are quickly exchanging (for example the OH of glucose in D2O). For structures where the hydrogen atoms are implicit, the reference to hydrogen is made by adding "H" right before the atom number to distinguish the heavy atom from the H bound to it. When more than one hydrogen atom is implicit, the second is also labelled with "H". It is understood that with implicit hydrogen, the two hydrogen atoms will not be distinguished. Assignment of diastereotopic protons will not be possible. To avoid this problem, use explicit mol structures with defined chirality. Example for ethanol: ```` >   A, 48.3010, 1 ;the label "A" corresponds to the atom one which is the carbon of the CH2\ B, 20.3220, 2 ;atom two is the carbon of the CH3\ a, 2.6100, H3 ;"H3" refers to the hydrogen atom of atom 3 (the oxygen)\ b, 4.8020, H1 ;"H1" refers to the hydrogen atoms of atom 1 (of the CH2)\ c, 1.4010, H2\ ```` (atom 3 would be the oxygen of ethanol) Only explicit H are allowed. No monomer unit, no “R” group. Labels can, in principle contain any character and be of any length. We normally exclude comma (,) and slash (/) because they are used as field separators (see below) and the and or they are used inside \<"..."\>. These labels can be defined as the chemist wishes. If a database manager wants to change the names of the labels to make them “canonical” or use any norm, up to him, but we accept anything. In principle, the labels should correspond to the ones used in the manuscript of the paper submitted (when we have reviewing mind). In the case of simple numbering, it could be C1, etc. and H-C1, H’-C1, etc. But this is up to the author/file generator to satisfy the format of the journal/database and the readability of the numbering – possibly IUPAC and the need to distinguish what needs to be distinguished (like diastereotopic protons). ##### Labels including comma or other special characters Examples of labels (**Note the \<""\> is used when they the labels include "," "/" "\\" "\|" "(" ")" or "&" characters**): ```` a H-C1 Proton_1 H' H'' <"Ha,Hb"> <"Ha/Hb"> <"H-C(1)"> ```` No ranges of chemical shifts are allowed here, only single floating point should be specified. (in 1D spectra description ranges are accepted). This is necessary because 1D 1H spectra may not be included in the set of spectra and, if they are, signals overlap may result in describing such as region analysed as “m” with many signals in. We propose to call “Ex” the spins that are exchanging with solvent (typically OH, NH, etc. in protic solvents). The atoms that are not assigned to at least one NMR signals in the spectra are not listed. (H, C that were not assigned, heteronuclei that are NMR passive (say S, O, N) or for which the spectrum was not recorded (19F, 31P, etc.) . ##### Interchangeable assignment (Only for Level\>0) When the SDF files has a Level with odd values (1 or 3), allows to include the possibility of ambiguous assignment. If two or more labels may be interchanged, they are listed before the end of the NMREDATA_ASSIGNMENT list, before the empty line with the keyword "Interchangeable=": ```` >   ... a, 5.610, 10\ b, 5.802, 41\ ... Interchangeable=a, b\ ```` means that the assignment of a and b may be interchanged. ```` Interchangeable=(a, CA), (b, CB) ```` means that “a” together with “CA” may be interchanged with “b” together with “CB”. (This may be if two -O-Me could not be assigned unambiguously because of missing HMBC signals. We may know that carbon “CA” is bound to proton “a” and carbon “CB” to “b” (from HSQC), but maybe we do not know which of the two Me is bound where (no HMBC signal). There may be multiple “Interchangeable” lines. Note that displaying/working with data with such interchangeable signals may be a challenge. When software cannot take into account exchangeable assignment, they should generate a warning message, read the standard form or, better, propose the choice among the different possibilities. Note that in order to avoid the difficulty of dealing with interchangeable signals, it may be easier to leave them unassigned (when they are unimportant). Another possibility would be to produce two .nmredata.sdf files, one for each possible assignment. In principle, if a Interchangable line list two possibilities, a second three, and a third two, the number of possible strucutures is 2x3x2. (In the perspective of of edition of the NMReDATA, each could be generated and user/tools determine which is the correct one...) ##### Equivalent spins Most of the time, equivalent spins have their atom number listed for a single "label". But in some cases, one needs two different labels for chemically equivalent spin (for example when listing couplings in AA'XX' systems). In this case the fact that pairs of "labels" correspond to equivalent spins is indicated with the "Equivalent=" keyword. Follows the list of the labels of the equivalent spins. ```` >   ... a, 6.610, 10\ a', 6.610, 41\ ... Equivalent=a, a'\ ```` means that the a and a' are equivalent. Liting equivalence is important in the perspective of the refinement of NMR parameters by best fit of simulated and experimental spectra. For example, in a phenyl group where o, m and p, correspond to the *ortho*, *meta* and *para* protons: ```` >   ... o, 6.610, 10\ o', 6.610, 14\ m, 7.540, 11\  m', 7.540, 13\  p, 7.310, 12\ ... Equivalent=o, o'\  Equivalent=m, m'\ ```` means that the o and o' are m and m' and are equivalent. This allows to provide different couplings for J(m,o) than for J(m,o') which could not be distinguished if a single label was used for both *ortho* protons. See also equivalent coupling in the NMREDATA_J tag. #### \<NMREDATA_J\> If scalar couplings were measured and assigned, a tag should be generated to list the couplings. This facilitates the construction of the coupling network, a very powerful tool to verify structures. When known, the signs of the coupling constants should be specified, otherwise the absolute values are listed. The list can contain only JH,H, or only 1JC,H, or a mix of any type of scalar coupling (the label indicates the isotope through the NMREDATA_ASSIGNMENT table – see above). ```` `>  ` `a, b, 7.00`**`\`** `A, a, 150.3`**`\`** `B, a, 7.50`**`\`** ```` The number of bonds can be added after the keyword "nb=". ```` `>  ` `a, b, 7.00, nb=3`**`\`** `A, a, 150.30, nb=1`**`\`** `B, a, 7.50, nb=3`**`\`**` ` ```` Alternatively comments can be used to specify the type of coupling, but this is not part of the format, this is only to facilitate the work of software developers. ```` >   a, b, 7.00 ;``3``JHH`**`\** A, a, 150.3 ;``1``JCH`**`\** B, a, 7.50 ;``3``JCH`**`\** ```` This may include JH,H (from 1D 1H, or from COSY) and/or JC,H from RDC measurements, long-range JCH from HMBC, etc. These values may also be listed in the fields of the individual spectra they originate from. In this “J” tag, there are “compiled” (with average for example when a JA,X is not the same on the A and X multiplets or if couplings are present in 1D 1H and COSY). This can also include coupling to 19F, 31P if the label corresponds to such atom (see NMREDATA_ASSIGNMENT table). Note that this table is compiling data from other spectra. It does not mean that coupling should not be listed in each spectrum where they are observed. For the 1H and 19F of 1,3,5-trifluoro benzene: ```` >   a, 8.301, 7\ b, 8.301, 8\ c, 8.301, 9\ F1, 118.301, 10\ F2, 118.301, 11\ F3, 118.301, 12\ Equivalent a, b, c\ Equivalent F1,F2,F3\ ... >   a, F1, 17.00 ;``3``J``H,H`**\** a, F2, 17.00 ;``3``J``H,H`**\** a, F3, 7.00 ;``5``J``H,H`**\** b, F2, 17.00 ;``3``J``H,H`**\** b, F3, 17.00 ;``3``J``H,H`**\** b, F1, 7.00 ;``5``J``H,H`**\** c, F3, 17.00 ;``3``J``H,H`**\** c, F1, 17.00 ;``3``J``H,H`**\** c, F2, 7.00 ;``5``J``H,H`**\** Equivalent a/F1,a/F2,b/F2,b/F2,c/F3,c/F1  Equivalent a/F3,b/F1,c/F2 ```` for the protons of Cl-CH2-CH2-Br ```` >   a, 3.301, 5\ a', 3.301, 6\ b, 4.301, 7\ b', 4.301, 8\ Equivalent a, a\ Equivalent b,b\  ... >   a, b, 7.00\ a', b', 7.00\ a', b, 5.00\ a, b', 5.00\ Equivalent a/b, a'/b'  Equivalent a/b', a'/b ```` Individual spectra tags ----------------------- There is one SDF tag per spectrum in the NMR record. The Larmor frequency of the detected isotope (Larmor) and the link to the spectra (Spectrum_Location) are mandatory. Additional information may be included (such as pulseprogram name, etc. *see below*). The second part of the tag lists the signals. Example of a 1D spectrum: ```` `>  ` `Larmor=500.13\` `Pulseprogram=zg30\` `Spectrum_Location=`[`file:./nmr/10/1/pdata/1\`](file:./nmr/10/1/pdata/1\) `Signal 1\` `Signal 2\` `...` ```` For other isotopes: ```` <NMREDATA_1D_`*`isotope`*`>  ```` Each 1D "signal" line start with a chemical shift (x.xxxx) or a **chemical shift range** (x.xxxx-y.yyyy) (note: use four digits !!!). Then follows the signal attributes characterizing the signal. (see below for details) For 2D spectra the general format is ```` <NMREDATA_2D_`*`IndirectIsotope_CodeMixing_DirectIsotope`*`>  ```` Example of HSQC spectrum: ```` >   Larmor=125.7567\ d Spectrum_Location=[file:./nmr/11/1/pdata/1\](file:./nmr/11/1/pdata/1\) C1/H-C1\ C2/H-C2\ ... ```` Definition of the [signal attributes for 1D spectra](/1D_attributes "link"). Definition of the [signal attributes for 2D spectra](/2D_attributes "link"). ### Link to the spectra For all experimental spectra, a link to the spectrum must be provided. The spectrum must either be included in the NMReDATA file or be stored in a permanently open and electronically accessible NMR database. By spectrum, we mean the actual data of the spectrum (“2rr” , but also the acquisition and processing parameters “fid/ser”, “acqus”, “procs”, “proc2s”, etc.) in the manufacturer's format. The location of the record is given in the NMREDATA_1D tag. `Spectrum_Location=`[`file:./nmr/10/1/pdata/1`](file:./nmr/10/1/pdata/1)` ` The spectra are given in the native format of the manufacturer of the spectrometer. In order to avoid the spectrum refer to internet accessible spectra: `Spectrum_Location=`[`https://www.dropbox.com/s/676w3chdbdf81kf/dj_GE425_DMSO_couplings_ax_eq_MP.zip?dl=0`](https://www.dropbox.com/s/676w3chdbdf81kf/dj_GE425_DMSO_couplings_ax_eq_MP.zip?dl=0)` ./nmr/10/1/pdata/1 ` In principle only DOI-based references are allowed in order to insure long-term stability: `Spectrum_Location=`[`https://zenodo.org/record/1146869/files/sample1.zip?download=1`](https://zenodo.org/record/1146869/files/sample1.zip?download=1)` ./djhap_benapyr/10/1/pdata/1 ` In the absence of consensus on Jcamp format to use for NMR spectra, **Jcamp format for the spectra are not supported as source of experimental spectra**. However, it is suggested that as additional information the JCAMP spectrum may be included too in the NMReDATA file. This will allow to display the spectrum in a graphical, interactive way and even to link the peaks to atoms in the molecular structure. A draft proposal to do so is to provide the location and file name in a line starting with `Jcamp_location=file:` Note that in the file path (relative to the root of the zipfile) backslashes are not allowed; only forward slashes. ### Ambiguous assignment of signals (ONLY WITH LEVEL\>0) **ONLY WITH LEVEL\>0** In case of ambiguous assignment, the list of the labels of the possible assignments are given in parentheses. For example: `4.8, L=(a|b)\` means that the signal at 4.8 is assigned either to a or b. We need this option to have the possibility to provide ambiguous data because they are quite common, in particular in 2D spectra. This possibility will cause difficulties when reading data for display, structure verification, etc. Programmers will decide what to do: ignore ambiguous assignment, try to resolve them, report them as such, warn about their presence, etc. ### 1D spectra ##### Example: MD5 are not mandatory, but recommended if they can be easily generated ```` >   Larmor=500.13\ MD5_1r=5E77AB5838AA4C860BA8884A5B0BD9ED\ MD5_fid=ED8AD88199996436B40AAE283F0FB6F6\ 4.8000, S=q, N=2, L=a, J=7.00\ 2.1000, S=bs, N=1, L=b\ 1.5000, S=t, N=3, L=c, J=7.10\ ```` where N is the number of protons, S the multiplicity, *etc*. More details about the [attributes of 1D spectra](/1D_attributes "link") (N=, S= , etc.). For multiple coupling: ```` 4.8000, S=dd, N=1, L=a, J=9.30, 4.89\ ```` Note that the coupling can be [assigned](/1D_attributes "link"). Only the first number (the chemical shift) is mandatory. The other fields are all optional. Because of overlap, there may be more than one signal assigned to a chemical shift (or range of chemical shifts). They are simply listed with "," as separator. ```` 7.200-7.600, N=5, L=H-C1, H-C2, C-C4\ ```` One reason for having chemical shifts listed in the tag: is that signals may overlap and be given as a range in the 1H 1D spectrum, but may be clearly determined from HSQC, COSY, etc. Ranges are accepted as small-to-large and large-to-small: ```` 7.200-7.600, N=5, L=H-C1, H-C2, C-C4\ 7.600-7.200, N=5, L=H-C1, H-C2, C-C4\ ```` For the results of diffusion measurements, Diff, etc. are given in the [proper units](/1D_attributes#Diff.3D_Diffusion_rate "link"): ```` 4.8, S=q, N=2, L=a, Diff=1.7e-11 ```` Chemical shifts are given in ppm with four digits after the period (the usual 3 is not enough at high field and high resolution!) Integrals (E=...) can use any relative numbers, but preferably rescaled to correspond to the number of protons (1.0 for the reference) or to correspond to concentration when quantification was made (in mM). This will be very useful when analysing mixtures. Integrals should not be rounded up/down to the number of atoms: the values should reflect the experimental values. If the 1D spectrum is homodecoupled at a given chemical shift or totally decoupled (pureshift) one of the two following lines should be added: ```` Decoupled=1H, 1.2\ Decoupled=1H\ ```` If other spins are decoupled add: ```` Decoupled=19F\ ... ```` ... ##### \<NMREDATA_1D_13C\> etc. 1D 13C spectra and other heteronuclear spectra (nuclei X) ```` >   Larmor=125.0\ Decoupled=1H\ 51.812, I=118.0\ 20.123, I=123.1\ ```` When the 1D X spectrum is not obtained from a simple pulse-detection sequence (i.e. DEPT, APT, etc.) this is specified using an additional label “Sequence”: ```` >   or other isotopes Larmor=125.0\ Decoupled=1H\ Sequence=DEPT135 (or DEPT45, DEPT90, ATP)\ Pulseprogram=dept135 \ 51.812, I=-80.1\ 20.123, I=123.1\ ```` The peak intensity provides the signs of the DEPT-135 signal. ##### Selective 1D spectra Selective 1D spectra, such as selective-NOESY or selective-TOCSY, etc. use tags with names encoded similarly to 2D spectra: ```` >   Larmor=500.13 CorType=NOESY F1_selected_window=2.500 Pulseprogram=selnogp 1.812, I=4.2E4 2.323, I=5.2E4 ```` The tag name (1D_1H_D_1H) indicate that the source spin (first "1H") of the NOE is a 1H, that the mixing is of type "D" (Dipolar coupling for NOE effect) and that the detection (second "1H") is done on the 1H channel. For sel-TOCSY, the tag name would be ```` >   ```` For selectively relayed magnetization from 19F to 1H: ```` >   ```` The position of the selective pulse in the first pseudo dimention is specified with the keyword "F1_selected_window": When multiple spectra are recorded, tags are numbered with "\#2", etc. to avoid having multiple tags with the same name: ```` >   ... ```` ```` >  <NMREDATA_1D_1H_D_1H#2> ... ```` ```` >  <NMREDATA_1D_1H_D_1H#2> ... ```` ### 2D spectra ```` >  2D HSQC  Larmor=500.13\ MD5_2rr=5E77AB5838AA4C860BA8884A5B0BD9ED\ MD5_ser=ED8AD88199996436B40AAE283F0FB6F6\ CorType=HSQC ;(COSY; HSQC; HMBC; H2BC; TOCSY; NOESY)\ Pulseprogram=XXX\ a/C1, I=1.2\ b/48.43, I=1.2\ ```` The Larmor frequency is the one of the detected isotope (last in the tag label). “Types” and “Pulseprogram” can be specified. More details about the [attributes of 2D spectra](/2D_attributes "link"). When signals are assigned, only their labels are given (no chemical shifts). If a crosspeak is reported without assignment or partial assignment, the chemical shift replaces the signal’s label. The intensity of the signals (following “I=”. This simply corresponds to the intensity of the spectrum at (or very close to) the coordinates of the signals. They should be provided when possible (that is when the software has them accessible). But this is not part of the format. i.e. one should be able to read the .sdf files even in the absence of intensities. The intensities are given in any arbitrary unit (integer of floating point). If the signal has a shape such that the intensity is zero at that center (phase sensitive COSY, for in the middle of a doublet in HSQC, for example) the intensity can be the one at the maximum amplitude of the multiplet. This intensity is not pretending to be “quantitative”. Optional integration of the volume encouraged using “S=” but this requires some “analysis” of the peak shape. MD5 are not mandatory, but recommended if they can be easily generated #### 2D HSQC \<NMREDATA_2D_13C_1J_1H\> Here is an example of HSQC data: ```` >  2D HSQC  Larmor=500\ CorType=HSQC \ Pulseprogram=XXX\ a/C1, I=1.2\ b/48.43, I=1.2\ ```` #### 2D HMBC \<NMREDATA_2D_13C_NJ_1H\> Here is an example of HMBC data with two examples of ambiguous assignment (could also occur in clusters of peaks): ```` >   Larmor=500.13\ C1/a; optional comment will be visible in the spectrum’s view (C2,C3)/b, I=1.2\ C2/(b,c) , I=1.2\  C4,C5,C6)/(e,f) , I=1.2\ ```` for HETCOR, the tag label would be to indicate that the first dimension in 1H and the detected dimension is 13C. By default “2D” heteronuclear spectra are assumed to be isotope1-decoupled during evolution of isotope2 and vice versa. If an HSQC spectrum is recorded without 180 pulse during t1, or without 13C decoupling during t2, (for RDC measurements for example) the following lines should be added respectively: `Nondecoupled=t1\` `Nondecoupled=t2\` If non-decoupled, or if the spectrum allows to measure couplings, the heteronuclear couplings may be listed as : `a/C1, Ja=155\` (more details about the [attributes of 2D spectra](/2D_attributes "link")). #### 2D COSY \<NMREDATA_2D_1H_NJ_1H\> See discussion of COSY spectra (below) why using “Ja”. A COSY spectrum will be coded with, ```` >   [CorType](/CorType "link")=HSQC(COSY; HSQC; HMBC; ?? exact list is still to be defined. Consider this one tentative) Larmor=500\ a/b, I=1.2, S=100\ b/a, I=1.2\ b/c, I=1.2\ c/b, I=1.2\ ```` If couplings were measured from the cosy, the values should be specified ```` a/b, Ja=5\ where Ja means active coupling (present in f1 and f2) where J1 means passive coupling(s) (present in f1). where J2 means passive coupling(s) (present in f2). ```` Any number of couplings can be added. For example, the A-X crosspeak with A and X coupling with M could be described as: `A/X, Ja=5, J1=4, J2=2\` Meaning that the active coupling JAX=5 Hz, the passive couplings JAM=4 Hz and JXM=2 Hz. If the assignment was made (as for 1D 1H), the assigned couplings are specified: ```` A/X, Ja=5, J1=4(M), J2=2(M)\ A/X, Ja=5, J1=4(M), 6.1(K), J2=2(M), 3.1(K)\ ```` This allows reporting the result of the analysis of high-resolution DQF-COSY spectra or soft-COSY spectra. In this manner, high-resolution COSY with coupling structures can be simulated for coupling constant verification (refinement, including second-order effects, etc.). Note that couplings can be obtained from the description of the 1D spectrum if they were determined there. They should be included in the 2D fields only if they were measured in the 2D spectrum. Note that, the program generating these data should also generate a tag (see above) to compile J-couplings and present them in a manner that it is easier to read. #### 2D NOESY \<NMREDATA_2D_1H_D_1H\> NOESY spectra will be described as: ```` >   Larmor=500\ a/b, I=1.2\ b/c, I=1.2\ ```` #### 2D HOESY \<NMREDATA_2D_19F_D_1H\> Heteronuclear 19F-1H data would be in a tag called if 1H is detected and 19F in F1: ```` >   ```` #### Naming tags for *n*D The structure of the name of the SD tag of spectra is constructed as follows. It describes the pulse sequence. ```` 1) The number of dimensions is given (e.g. “2D_...”) 2) Follows, the isotope of the first indirect dimension (e.g. “..._13C_...”) 3) Follows the code of the mixing to the next dimension (e.g. “..._1J_...”). 4) Finally, the detected isotope is given. (e.g. “..._1H”). ```` the TAG of the HSQC is therefore “” Mixing can be: ```` 1J for one bond (typ. HSQC) NJ (multiple bound J, for cosy, hmbc) TJ TOCSY ```` Examples: ```` 2D_1H_NJ_1H    COSY/DQF-COSY 2D_1H_3QJ_1H   TQ-COSY (and other MQF) 2D_1H_EJ_1H    E-COSY/soft-COSY 2D_1H_RJ_1H    relayed cosy 2D_1H_TJ_1H    TOCSY 2D_13C_1J_1H   HSQC/HMQC/CT-HSQC 2D_13C_NJ_1H   HMBC 2D_13C_2J_1H   H2BC 2D_13C_1J(1H_J)_1H 2MBC (HSQC-COSY ?) 2D_13C_11CCJ_1H    1,1 adequate 2D_13C_N1CCJ_1H    n,1 adequate 2D_13C_1NCCJ_1H    1,n adequate 2D_13C_NNCCJ_1H    n,n adequate 2D_13C13C_1J_13C   2D-inadequate 2D_1H_D_1H NOESY  2D_19F_D_1H    HOESY with 19F in F1 detection of 1H 2D_T1_1H   relax measurements 2D_F_1H    diffusion measurements 2D_13C_1J(1H_TJ)_1H    2D HSQC-TOCSY 2D_1H  J-res/DIAG/ d_resolved/SERF/G-SERF 3D_13C_1J_1H_TJ_1H 3D HSQC-TOCSY 3D_CO_1J_15N_1J_1H 3D-HNCO                              ```` For J-resolved and related experiments (DIAG, δ-resolved) where the indirect dimension is not a chemical shift (no correlation present), only the detected isotope is given. ```` 2D_1H J-resolved ```` The spectrum is described as a 1D 1H spectrum (providing chemical shift, couplings, etc.).