The goal of this project is to code the NMR parameters (chem. shift, J’s, NOE, etc.) present in non-standard NMR spectra so that NMR software can exploit them.
The data should include:
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Currently, only a few of NMR spectra are analysable by CASE software:
Note: {1H} means that 1H is decoupled.
For many other less common NMR experiments, the CASE software is not aware of the information content of the spectrum and misses the information.
Consider a 31P-containing compound. If you compare a 1D 1H spectrum with and without 31P decoupling, the J(1H,31P) could be measured automatically.
Consider a 19F-containing compound. If you compare a {1H}, 13C spectrum with and without {19F}, the J(13C,19F) could be measured automatically.
Intense developments involved the generation of 1D 1H spectra with no coupling structure (homonuclear decoupling). They are ignore by CASE software.
In some cases, spectra are recorded with high-resolution so that coupling constants can, in principle, be measured. Measuring coupling constants from COSY correlation spectra with inphase and antiphase strutures is currently not possible but would be very useful. Similarly for heteronuclear coupling from modified HMBC experiments.
1J(C,H) are often measured using pairs of HSQC with different decoupling combinations. But HSQC are considered as being decoupled in F1 and F2. Coding the absence of decoupling would allow the automatic measurement of the coupling of interest.
Numerous methodology developements resulted in 2D map similar to J-resolved spectra. The J-coupling are either expressed vertically, with 45 or -45 degree angle. Coding it would allow automated analysis of these spectra.
Ontology of pulse sequences :
Reference to automatic identification of NMR pulse sequence :